Makna Kalung Mutiara yang Dikenakan Kate Middleton di Pemakaman Pangeran Philip

Ratu Monita - Minggu, 18 April 2021
Perhiasan Kate Middleton dalam momen pemakaman Pangeran Philip
Perhiasan Kate Middleton dalam momen pemakaman Pangeran Philip - Prosesi pemakaman suami dari Ratu Elizabeth II, Pangeran Philip, telah digelar pada Sabtu (17/4/2021) kemarin.


Pangeran Philip yang tutup usia pada umur 99 tahun, dimakamkan di Kapel St. George, Kastil Windsor.

Berada di tengah situasi pandemi, daftar tamu yang menghadiri acara penghormatan terakhir ini pun dibatasi hanya 30 orang.

Baca Juga: Pangeran Philip Meninggal Dunia, Ini Pengakuan Pangeran William dan Pangeran Harry Tentang Sang Kakek

Sejumlah anggota keluarga Kerajaan Inggris pun hadir untuk memberikan penghormatan terakhirnya, yakni Pangeran Charles, Putri Anne, Pangeran Andrew, Pangeran Edward, dan keluarga lainnya.

Penampilan dari para anggota keluarga Kerajaan Inggris selalu berhasil mencuri perhatian publik.

Salah satu yang paling dinanti-nantikan adalah penampilan dari istri Pangeran William, Kate Middleton. 

Duchess of Cambridge ini tampak begitu anggun dengan gaun hitam ditambah potongan leher asimetris dan fascinator yang juga serba hitam, seperti dilansir dari laman Vogue

Mandatory Credit: Photo by Chris Jackson/WPA Pool/Shutterstock (11862984a) Catherine, Catherine Duchess of Cambridge arrives for the funeral of Prince Philip, Prince Philip at Windsor Castle on April 17, 2021 in Windsor, England. Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark was born 10 June 1921, in Greece. He served in the British Royal Navy and fought in WWII. He married the then Princess Elizabeth on 20 November 1947 and was created Prince Philip, Earl of Merioneth, and Baron Greenwich by King VI. He served as Prince Consort to Queen Elizabeth II until his death on April 9 2021, months short of his 100th birthday. His funeral takes place today at Windsor Castle with only 30 guests invited due to Coronavirus pandemic restrictions. The funeral of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, State Entrance, Windsor Castle, Berkshire, UK - 17 Apr 2021
Mandatory Credit: Photo by Chris Jackson/WPA Pool/Shutterstock (11862984a) Catherine, Catherine Duchess of Cambridge arrives for the funeral of Prince Philip, Prince Philip at Windsor Castle on April 17, 2021 in Windsor, England. Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark was born 10 June 1921, in Greece. He served in the British Royal Navy and fought in WWII. He married the then Princess Elizabeth on 20 November 1947 and was created Prince Philip, Earl of Merioneth, and Baron Greenwich by King VI. He served as Prince Consort to Queen Elizabeth II until his death on April 9 2021, months short of his 100th birthday. His funeral takes place today at Windsor Castle with only 30 guests invited due to Coronavirus pandemic restrictions. The funeral of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, State Entrance, Windsor Castle, Berkshire, UK - 17 Apr 2021 Chris Jackson/WPA Pool/Shutterst

Tak ketinggalan, Kate Middleton juga menambahkan aksesoris cantik untuk melengkapi penampilannya. 

Sumber: people,Vogue
Editor: Dinia Adrianjara


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